
Basic Qualification and Certification

Degree Recieved

University Of Lagos

B.A Philosophy

2019 - 2024

⚡ Gained a broader perspective on human experiences, lives, and activities.

⚡Explored various philosophical concepts and theories to develop critical thinking and analytical skills.

⚡Equipped with a strong foundation in critical thinking, logical reasoning, and ethical analysis.

⚡ Developed the ability to apply philosophical concepts to real-world situations, making valuable contributions in both private and public sectors.

ALX Africa

Software-engineering|Backend development

Software Engineering

⚡I successfully completed ALX Africa's comprehensive Software Engineering Program, a rigorous 12-month course that equipped me with the essential skills and knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Throughout the program, I gained in-depth expertise in programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and SQL, mastering back-end development techniques.

⚡Under the guidance of experienced industry experts, I delved into the intricacies of software engineering principles, including object-oriented programming, design patterns, and testing methodologies. I also honed my problem-solving and analytical skills by tackling real-world projects that challenged me to apply my newfound knowledge and deliver innovative solutions.

⚡This program has not only transformed me into a skilled software engineer but has also instilled in me the values of teamwork, communication, and adaptability qualities that are crucial for success in any collaborative working environment. With my ALX Africa certification, I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to any team and tackle any project with enthusiasm and dedication.